Las Cabañas de Argelaguer - Parc Garrell

Saturday June 22, 2024

The Cabins of Argelaguer, also known as Parc Garrell, are a hidden gem in the town of Argelaguer. These fantasy constructions, created by local resident Josep Pujiula (Garrell), are made from recycled materials and natural elements like stones, branches, and trunks. Despite facing numerous legal and vandalism challenges, Garrell persisted in his work for over 30 years, even building his own tomb in a natural cave on the site.

Visitors can explore various points of interest within Parc Garrell, including the Fountain of the Stream and the Labyrinth, Garrell's House, the Pharaonic Tomb, and Garrell's Orchard. The route through the park is free, circular, and easy to navigate, offering a whimsical and artistic experience in the middle of the forest.

Las Cabañas de Argelaguer - Parc Garrell